As designers, we get to play a big role in shaping the future—why not make it a bright one? Sustainability is more than just going green; it’s about reimagining how we design spaces that are smart, efficient, and in tune with nature. By embracing sustainable practices, we can cut down on waste, lower our environmental footprint, and create spaces that not only feel good to live in but are healthier to live in.

Why be Sustainable

  • Environmental impacts

  • Economic benefits

  • Social responsibility

  • Health and well-being

  • Equity and Fairness

  • Ethical considerations

  • Innovation and Creativity

  • Regulatory Compliance

    • California is there, and Colorado is not far behind. With regulations already in place more and more are being introduced every year.

What if I know nothing about sustainable design?

Sustainable design can feel overwhelming, but that’s where I come in!

Since sustainability is always evolving, I’m here to guide you through the process. I will provide sustainable options tailored to your home and budget. From material choices and construction practices to building systems, I’ll help you find solutions that fit your needs and goals.

What if sustainability isn’t a top priority for me?

I get it! Our industry has a long way to go, but being sustainable doesn’t have to mean more time and money. It can be as simple as one tile selection, using environmentally safe cleaning products, selecting one piece of consignment furniture, or deconstructing and donating your existing kitchen. Every small step counts—making just one sustainable choice is still progress in the right direction.